The Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Emer Higgins TD, has confirmed that she intends to sign a new Employment Regulation Order for the security industry.
Announcing the new Employment Regulation Order, the Minister stated:
“I am delighted to announce this new Employment Regulation Order which will provide for an increase in the minimum pay rates for workers in the security sector. The statutory minimum rate of pay for workers in this sector will increase from €12.90 to €14.50 per hour.”
“I greatly appreciate the difficult and important work undertaken by workers in the security industry. These workers often face significant personal risk to ensure public safety. I also recognise that this is a sector which has undergone significant professionalisation in recent years which requires security workers to have training and qualification requirements to complete their roles.
“I remain strongly supportive of the state’s collective bargaining and wage setting mechanisms, and the important work of the Joint Labour Committees in setting Employment Regulation Orders. I would like to thank the members of the Joint Labour Committee for Security and the Labour Court for their work in delivering this Employment Regulation Order.”